Business Resources
Updated: 20 September 2020
There is significant and evolving information being distributed regularly by Federal, State and Local governments, industry bodies and support agencies in response to the unfolding Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
This page of our website will serve as a central database of resources and information for businesses and communities within the Burnett Inland (North Burnett and South Burnett regions), and Team BIEDO will be update this resource regularly as the situation evolves.
Please check back regularly to access updated information.
Business SupportSmall Business Support - COVID-19 Recovery Stimulus: An overview of Queensland support measures in place, developed by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training. Read more about the Small Business COVID-19 Adaption Grant, Back to Work employer incentives and more: download here. Coronavirus Business Assistance Finder: Fantastic tool from the Queensland Government that enables you to search for support measures your business may be eligible for: business.qld.gov.au/covid-assistance JobKeeper Payment: This scheme provides wage subsidies to businesses that are significantly affected by COVID-19. Businesses and sole traders can find out more about JobKeeper here: ato.gov.au/General/JobKeeper-Payment/ Support for Sole Traders: Summary of Coronavirus support available for sole traders with or without employeees who have been impacted: business.gov.au/Risk-management/Emergency-management/Coronavirus-information-and-support-for-business/Support-for-sole-traders Coronavirus Business Support Service: Chat live via the website (follow link and select green 'Chat Now' button in the bottom right corner) or call 13 28 46, seven days a week between 8am - 8pm: business.gov.au/Contact-Us Back to Work Initiatives - Information for Employers: Support payments of up to $20,000 are available to eligible employers who hire an eligible unemployed jobseeker. Employer Support Payments of $10,000 can be made to employers who hire eligible jobseekers aged 25+ who have been unemployed for 4-52 weeks, or $15,000 for jobseekers aged 25+ who have been unemployed for more than 52 weeks. There are also Youth Boost Payments of up to $20,000 for hiring an eligible jobseeker aged 15-24, and the Apprenticeship and Trainee Boost Payment. Full information for employers including eligiblity requirements and payment schedules can be found here: backtowork.initiatives.qld.gov.au/for-employers/
Business ResourcesBusiness Queensland - Coronavirus: Essential information and assistance for business and industry compiled by the Queensland Government regarding COVID-19: business.qld.gov.au/ Approved COVID Safe Industry Plans: Businesses and organisations across a range of sectors are required to follow a COVID Safe Industry Plan as of 3 July 2020. To access the range of industry plans approved and available, visit: covid19.qld.gov.au/government-actions/approved-industry-covid-safe-plans COVID Safe Checklists: Businesses and organisations from the hospitality, events and personal services sectors (e.g. nail salons) must complete a COVID Safe Checklist as of 3 July 2020. To access more information and the checklist resources, visit: covid19.qld.gov.au/government-actions/covid-safe-businesses#_covid-safe-checklists Localised South Burnett: A user-driven online platform to share business news, online events and project updates with other like-minded businesses. Includes Business Directory - free to join and participate. BIEDO is proud partner with Business South Burnett and the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry on this initative: widebayburnett.localised.com.au/southburnett Chamber of Commerce & Industry Queensland: Guides and templates for managing Coronavirus impacts on your businesses, plus industry webinars: cciq.com.au WorkSafe QLD: COVID-19 workplace risk management and other resources relating to managing COVID-19 in your workplace: www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/coronavirus Safe Work Australia: Information on COVID-19 and work health and safety, inluding fact sheets on working from home, worker's compensation, PPE, emergency plans and more: safeworkaustralia.gov.au/covid-19-information-workplaces FairWork Australia: There have been a number of changes to multiple award rates - get up to date with Coronavirus and Australian workplace laws: coronavirus.fairwork.gov.au I Lost My Gig: A data collection initiative tracking economic impacts on Australia events across the hospitality, media, entertainment and arts sectors: ilostmygig.net.au Business Impact Survey - QLD Government: Please complete this survey to assist the State government to fully capture the impacts on small business during the COVID-19 outbreak: forms.office.com/FormsPro/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=sAmvAfH7kUOR8Gqe1zGoJZZDKN9KhxpJsD3KeiTrjV1UMEsxUUhZRk82Rkg4QTE3RUFaTzREM1dPVS4u
Farm & Agribusiness ResourcesPlease also refer to Business Support and Business Resources options above. National Farmers Federation: COVID-19 Key Information page of resources and updates specific to agriculture and agrifood supply chain: nff.org.au/covid-19/ JobKeeper for Farm Business: FAQ fact sheet produced by the National Farmers Federation to assist farm based businesses navigate what JobKeeper means for you: download here Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support for Agriculture - Business Queensland: Specific information and resources relating to seasonal workers, Queensland border restrictions/entry passes for agriculture, pest management and more: business.qld.gov.au/industries/farms-fishing-forestry/agriculture/coronavirus-support Queensland Rural Financial Counsellors: To locate your nearest Rural Financial Counsellor, use this guide: agriculture.gov.au/ag-farm-food/drought/assistance/rural-financial-counselling-service/qld
Managing through COVID-19: Business Continuity PlanningAustralian Government Business: Information about support available to sole traders, companies and employers during COVID-19 situation including income support, supporting apprentices/trainees and early access to superannuation: business.gov.au/risk-management/emergency-management/coronavirus-information-and-support-for-business Ag-based businesses: Resources on business sustainability, operations, supply chain and health and safety in the workforce in relation to COVID-19: bdo.com.au/en-au/covid19/keep-your-business-running Business Queensland: This guide explains how to develop, test and update a business continuity plan for your business: business.qld.gov.au/running-business/protecting-business/risk-management/continuity-planning Business.gov.au: Information about business continuity planning. identifying and reducing risk, backing up your data and insurance for your business: business.gov.au/New-to-business-essentials/When-things-dont-go-to-plan Guide to continuing your business: Walk through this step-by-step guide to keeping your operation running and protecting your business created by Business.gov.au: business.gov.au/Guide/Continuing-your-businessCommunity Services Sector - Business Continuity Planning Resources: Tools, scenario planning templates, pandemic planning and more - very user-friendly for businesses in any sector: csialtd.com.au/disastermanagement Financial Resilience Webinars: Is COVID-19 a risk to your small business? Free webinars available through TAFE QLD to help you identify risks, build financial skills, and plan to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on your business: go.tafeqld.edu.au/covid-19-home.html National Retail Association -Coronavirus Resources: Posters, resources, COVID safe guides andnthe National Retail Association's Roadmap to Retail Recovery: nra.net.au/resource-categories/coronavirus-resources/
Government FactsheetsAustralian Government Factsheets: The Federal Government has released a number of fact sheets summarising key economic response information in relation to COVID-19. Resources on JobKeeper, support for trainees/apprentices, early access to superannuation and more available here: treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/resourcesRoadmap to easing Queensland's Restrictions: On 30 June 2020, the State Government announced Stage 3 Easing of Restrictions, including changes to border closures. A copy of the road map and up-to-date resources for Queenslanders can be accessed here: covid19.qld.gov.au/government-actions/roadmap-to-easing-queenslands-restrictions Queensland Government - Restrictions on Business, Activities & Undertakings Direction: Frequently asked questions about restrictions in Queensland on a range of activities from weddings, ordering drinks at a bar, attending theme parks, galleries, sporting events and more: qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/public-health-directions/business-activity
Government Stimulus & Support AnnouncementsJobTrainer skills package for economic recovery and growth: Prime Minister's Press Release 16 July 2020, detailing a $2 billion investmnet from the Morrison Government for subsidised apprenticeship wages and training support: pm.gov.au/media/jobtrainer-skills-package-economic-recovery-and-growth $250million JobMaker plan to restart Australia's creative economy: Prime Minister's Press Release 25 June 2020, detailing a targeted package to support the entertainment, arts and screen sectors rebuild from the impacts of COVID-19: pm.gov.au/media/jobtrainer-skills-package-economic-recovery-and-growth Multi-million dollar economic recovery package for Queensland producers: Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announces $12.5 million funding package for the agribusiness and food sector, Press Release 16 June 2020: statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2020/6/16/multimillion-dollar-economic-recovery-package-for-queensland-producers Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package: Prime Minister's Press Release 2 April 2020: pm.gov.au/media/early-childhood-education-and-care-relief-package $130 Billion JobKeeper Payment to Keep Australians in a Job: Prime Minister's Press Release 30 March 2020: pm.gov.au/media/130-billion-jobkeeper-payment-keep-australians-job Stage 2 Economic Stimulus Announcement: Prime Minister’s Press Release 22 March 2020: pm.gov.au/media/supporting-australian-workers-and-business Queensland Government Immediate Industry Recovery Package: COVID-19 economic relief package announced 21 March:qld.gov.au/about/industry-recovery Stage 1 Economic Stimulus Announcement: Prime Minister's Press Release 12 March 2020: pm.gov.au/media/economic-stimulus-package
Community SectorVolunteering QLD Pandemic Resources: New guides launched including 'Responding to a Pandemic: A Practical Guide for Volunteer Involving Organisations' and 'Volunteering in Response to a Pandemic: A Practical Guide for Volunteers'. Access here: volunteeringqld.org.au/blog/1844-new-resources-volunteering-and-volunteer-management-in-pandemicsPhilanthropy and COVID-19: Information, resources and idea for funders and fund-seekers, including a Funder COVID-19 Response Survey: philanthropy.org.au/tools-resources/philanthropy-and-covid-19Institute of Community Directors Australia: Free Pandemic Policy template from Our Community for community groups: communitydirectors.com.au/epidemic-pandemic-download ACNC - Charity Operations and COVID-19: Information relating to incorporated and unincoporated not-for-profits. There is now a blanket extension period on Annual Information Statements and holding your organisation's Annual General Meeting: acnc.gov.au/node/5781959 Funding Centre: Summary of assistance available for organisations affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, with sections specifically for not-for-profits, the arts, community groups, aged care and child care sectors: fundingcentre.com.au/covid19-financial-assistance JobKeeper Payment: This scheme provides wage subsidies to businesses that are significantly affected by COVID-19. Updated JobKeeper information now available after legislation has been passed: ato.gov.au/General/JobKeeper-Payment/
GrantsSmall Business COVID-19 Adaption Grants (Round 2): Currently open to regionally located businesses for applications from $2,000 - $10,000 (for eligible businesses impacted by COVID-19). This is a rolling fund and will close as soon as allocated funds have been fully expended: business.qld.gov.au/starting-business/advice-support/grants/adaptionCOVID-19 National Funding Platform: Not for profit fund seekers can register their funding needs and funding bodies can browse projects via this online funding platform facilitated by Australian Communities Foundation and Philanthropy Australia: communityfoundation.org.au/covid-19Regional Arts Fund Recovery Boost: A once-off investment for regional arts from the Federal Government will be delivered through the Regional Arts Fund to support artists and arts organisations recovery, respond and build resilience due to the challenges of COVID-19, bushfire and drought. The investment will be expended through 3 funding streams - Relief (short term), Recovery (medium term) and Renewal (long term projects of up to 3 years duration). Funding will open progressively from 1 July 2020: flyingarts.org.au/regional-arts-fund-recovery-boost/ Arts & Cultural Recovery Package: Earlier in June the State Government announced a $22.5 million recovery package for the Queensland arts and cultural sector, to be delivered over two years. Funding will open progressively from 1 July 2020:arts.qld.gov.au/aq-funding/arts-and-cultural-recovery-package
IndividualsRoadmap to easing Queensland's restrictions: A three stage plan to easing restrictions under COVID-19 in Queensland was released by the State Government on 8 May. View a copy of the Roadmap here and keep up to date via the designated Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) web page: covid19.qld.gov.au Income Support for Individuals and Households: Fact sheets relating to income support for individuals, retirees and changes to superannuation: treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/households FairPlay Vouchers: Parents, carers and guardians looking for support for their children to resume sport and active recreation can apply for a $150 FairPlay voucher per child from 6 July - 7 October 2020: qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/fairplay/apply Jobs Hub - Australian Government: For individuals seeking employment, there are employers facing work shortages due to COVID-19 with job advertisements on this site: dese.gov.au/covid-19/jobs-hub Jobs Finder - Queensland Government: Queenslanders who's employment has been impacted by COVID-19 can now register their details to be connected with jobs from over 200 recruitment agencies: jobsfinder.qld.gov.au/ JobSeeker payment: Individual income support if you find yourself out of work: servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/jobseeker-payment JobKeeper payment: This payment helps businesses impacted by COVID-19 cover the cost of their employee's wages. Sole traders may also be eligible, view more info here: treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/jobkeeperato.gov.au/General/JobKeeper-Payment Graham House Support: Support available for individuals and families in the South Burnett including emergency relief, no interest loan scheme services, Centrelink series, family support services and transport assistance. Find out how Graham House is here to help during COVID-19. South Burnett CTC COVID-19 Resources: CTC have put together resources that may be helpful to the South Burnett community in the current COVID-19 situation: sbctc.com.au/covid-19 South Burnett Regional Council: Current COVID-19 advice for residents: southburnett.qld.gov.au/covid-19-novel-coronavirus-2 North Burnett Regional Council: Current COVID-19 advice for residents: northburnett.qld.gov.au/covid-19
Banking & Financial Hardshipausbanking.org.au/campaigns/financial-hardship Summary - Assistance could include: deferring loan payments, waiving fees and charges, helping with debt consolidation, waiving penalties for early withdrawal of a term deposit or deferring upcoming credit card payments and increasing emergency limits Australian Banking Association: Financial Hardship Contact Details for all banking institutions:Click here to download PDF
Stay Connected OnlineBetter Internet for Rural, Regional and Remote Australia (BIRRRA): Information relating to internet access in the bush - support, indepedent advice and advocacy: birrraus.com Many providers are offering free data increases. Please visit your provider's page for more information. Zoom: Video conferencing tool to keep connected and help your workplace conduct meetings remotely: zoom.us Skype: Create meetings online, call mobiles and landlines:skype.com
Apps & Digital ResourcesCOVIDSafe App: The Federal Government has launched a new Coronavirus tracing app that enables the Government to promptly contact people who may have been exposed to COVID-19. This app is available for download on the Apple App Store or on Google Play: health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-appCoronavirus Australia App: Federal Government app designed to assist Australians to navigate information about Coronavirus. The app is available for download on the Apple App Store or on Google Play: abc.net.au/news/2020-03-29/federal-government-launches-coronavirus-australia-app/12100680 Government WhatsApp Channel: Access up-to-date COVID-19 news and government information via WhatsApp on your mobile device: aus.gov.au/whatsapp
Health and WellbeingCoronavirus Health Information Line: 1800 020 080 (Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm AEST) 13 HEALTH: For general health questions please call 13 43 25 84 or visit: qld.gov.au/health/contacts/advice/13health Queensland Government Public Health Directives - COVID-19 Hotspots: As of 10 July 2020, Queensland residents or people travelling into Queensland for essential reasons are required to quarantine for 14 days on their arrival in Queensland, if they have been in an identified hotspot during the last 14 days. Current hotspots identified by QLD's Chief Medical Officer can be viewed here: qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/hotspots-covid-19 Mental Health & COVID-19: A comprehensive fact sheet 'Managing your mental health online during COVID-19' including resources and support contacts, compiled by E-Mental Health in Practice - download here. Queensland Health: Symptoms of COVID-19, cleaning recommendations and travel information for individuals: health.qld.gov.au Australian Government Department of Health: Health information for those at risk and how to protect yourself: health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert Queensland Government: Latest COVID-19 health updates, busting myths and support including translated resources in Chinese, Farsi, Italian, Korean and more: qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19
For a print-friendly version of the Hand Up: COVID-19 Special Edition resource, please access this free download below. Please note that the print-friendly version will not be updated after 30 March 2020, please use this web page to access the most up-to-date information and resources relating to COVID-19.
Image: Amanda Sloan “Sunrise”, BIEDO Best Shots Competition 2019